Community Support

Enabling Girvan to be better place

One of Girvan Town Team's key functions is to work as an enabler by making projects in Girvan possible -

  • We enable locally based groups to reach their full potential through mentoring support and signposting to relevant agencies

  • We support intergenerational and all ability groups to deliver local projects

  • We are a grassroots enabler in the development of Girvan

Who We Have Helped

Girvan Men’s Shed

We have supported the Shedders with funding and advice. Our support has enabled the group to become more sustainable.

Boost Healthy Eating & Well-Being Group

We provided support and seed corn funding to launch 3 pilot projects including healthy eating and pottery classes.

Biosphere Bikes

We continue to endorse this not-for-profit social enterprise which provides access to bikes and bike hire for everyone.

Girvan Tourist information Point

We provided funding towards the cost of producing a bespoke town map for visitors, highlighting local attractions and businesses.

Carrick Rugby

We provided funding to purchase tables for outdoor camps that support the physical and mental well-being of local young people.

Girvan Arts Festival

We provided financial support towards the Girvan Community Flag Project to create a flag for the town.

Key Successes

Girvan Community Led Tourism

By forming a sub-group of the Town Team, we established a strong foundation for the Girvan Community Led Tourism Steering Group.

With support from our Treasurer and endorsement of external funding applications, we helped the project grow and evolve.

The steering group played a key role in launching GoGirvan, which is now an independent organisation. The Girvan Town Team continues to liaise closely with the GoGirvan development officer.

Making Girvan more Dementia-friendly

Following a successful bid to the Coastal Communities Fund, we procured dementia-friendly coloured benches and lecterns for displaying historic images of the promenade and beach.

In addition, the purchase of beach-friendly wheelchairs and wheelchair-accessible picnic tables allows wheelchair users increased access to enjoy the beach and promenade.

We are engaging with local organisations to ensure all improvements to the beach and promenade positively benefit the community.

Support for Young People

The Girvan Town Team has supported a range of initiatives for local young people. This has included providing funding support towards a gazebo for Girvan Youth FC.

In addition, we supported Z1 Youth Bar with a grant to purchase two new BMX bikes and offer an exciting coaching session with Reece Thomson from the Scottish BMX School.

Further funding was given to students from Girvan Academy to create a community film celebrating local heritage.

A Community Anchor Organisation

Appointed by the Scottish Government, we liaise with other third sector and statutory services to respond quickly to community need.

During COVID we secured Scottish Government funding to local groups to tackle isolation among young people, provide lunches for the elderly and facilitate debt advice.

For the last few years we have facilitated a ‘cosy spaces’ winter initiative, providing social interaction, a light lunch and a space to keep warm at no charge. This was very successful and an initiative we hope to repeat.

That’s not all…

Girvan Town Team has enabled and supported numerous other local projects and organisations including -

  • Supporting and funding the Girvan Community Bunting project

  • In partnership with the South Carrick Locality Planning Partnership and South Ayrshire Council, and with advice from Girvan & South Carrick Community First Responders, we have been able to relocate and purchase a number of defibrillators. This resulted in 14 defibrillators fitted at key locations in the town centre.

  • Supporting Cllr. Peter Henderson to find match funding for a Merchant Navy Memorial.

  • Working with local businesses to deliver ‘pop up events’ and encouraging practices that improve the shopping experience for the elderly and vulnerable.

  • We launched a new Girvan Business Association in partnership with Scotland’s Towns Partnerships in September 2023.

It doesn’t stop there…

We are continuing to support and develop initiatives that make Girvan a better place for everyone. Keep checking our website for news about our future projects.

Learn About Regeneration

Getting involved in a local charity is a great way to make a positive impact in your community. Whether it’s through volunteering your time or donating funds, every little bit helps.