A Voice

for Girvan

Providing a voice for the community.

We listen and engage with the voices of the local community both ‘face to face’ and on social platforms.

We turn feedback and proposals into viable projects, and find ways to bring community ideas to life.

How We Engage With The Community


2012 - Following detailed community engagement, the Scottish Government published the outcome of ‘A Vision for Girvan: Charrette Report – Your Girvan, your vision’ . A key finding was to establish a neutral, apolitical organisation where ‘In the Town Team you leave your ego at the door – not just concern for your group but concern for Girvan.’

2016 - The Town Team adopted a constitution with the key purpose to ‘Promote Girvan as a vibrant town with a strong sense of community, building positive perceptions of the Town to the wider community and building civic pride; encouraging public participation...using the talents of local people; building and maintaining partnerships between community groups, voluntary organisations and public sector bodies to shape Girvan’s future.’


We provide a platform for the voice of the community, taking ideas forward ourselves, or supporting others to make them a reality.


  • Our website and Facebook page allow us to engage directly with the local community and beyond. Through our online presence, we are able to share events, activities, updates and achievements.

  • We hold meetings open to all on the first Thursday of each month (except January and July). Providing a regular ‘gathering place’ allows the community to get together and generate ideas.

  • We liaise with groups, organisations and stakeholders in Girvan, facilitating engagement with the Scottish Government, South Ayrshire Council, Statutory Authorities, and the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments.

Want To Get Involved?

Getting involved in a local charity is a great way to make a positive impact in your community. Whether it’s through volunteering your time or donating funds, every little bit helps. By choosing a charity that aligns with your personal values and interests, you can feel fulfilled knowing your contributions are making a difference. Overall, getting involved in a local charity is a rewarding experience that not only benefits the community but also enriches your own life.